Preliminary Schedule -Subject to Change
Friday, August 14
12:00 Noon - Registration desk Opens
2:00 PM - Crown Troops march to Walloomsac
12:00 Midnight – Registration closes
Saturday, August 15
7:00 AM – Registration opens
10:00 AM – Registration closes. Camps open to the public.
11:00 AM – Nichols Flanking March sets off
11:30 AM – People of the Battle of Bennington
12:00 Noon – Lunch
2:00 PM – Troop formation and safety inspection
3:00 PM – Storming of the “Dragoon Breastwork”
5:30 PM – Supper
7:00 PM – The repulse of Breymann’s relief force
11:00 PM – Tattoo, quite in the camps
Sunday, August 16
8:00 AM – Reveille
9:00 AM - Divine Services
9:30 AM - Start Construction of Tory Fort
10:00 AM – Camps open to public
11:00 AM – Presentation - Speaker to Be Announced
12:00 Noon – Lunch
1:00 PM – Troop formation and safety inspection
2:00 PM –Battle for the Tory Fort
3:00 PM – Remembrance Ceremony
3:30 PM – Break Camp